How To

When we created 7evendigits, we wanted to make a business card and personal card app that was easy to use and help you leave a lasting impression.  We hope you find the tips below useful but if you have any questions or have a helpful tip that you would like to share, please "Let Us Know".

Tips for a lasting impression…


  • Updating your digital business cards to reflect the most current information (name, address, phone#, email address, title & company, etc.) will automatically update ALL outstanding cards
  • Personal cards are just that.."personal" so any changes to your personal card will NOT update any outstanding cards
  • Personalizing your “Message” will NOT update your outstanding digital business cards or personal cards, so go ahead tailor each message before you send them out and leave a lasting impresssion
  • Making your business card or personal card “Public” will NOT blast your phone #, address or email address to the world…no one will get this unless you send them your digital card
  • Keep videos short, no longer than 30 seconds or 35 MB…think of a movie trailer and not the entire movie
  • Videos and pictures should be clear and clean in order to get your message across.



How do I set up a 7D profile?



  1. Click on the “Cards” tab, a pop-up box will appear asking you which profile you want to change, at this point select the profile you want to set up – Personal or Business. Once you have made your selection, the profile you have picked will appear.
  2. Click on the “Update” button located in the upper right-hand corner of the profile box. A form will appear with information boxes that you can fill out along with the ability to upload a photo & video. Depending on your comfort level, you can either fill everything out on this form or just use your “Username”. You can always add or delete the information on the form at any time depending on how you want to use the 7D profile in your everyday interactions with people.
  3. Click on “Save” when you are done, now you are ready to send your profile out to another 7D user.

Why can’t I upload my video?

Make sure your video is no longer than 30 seconds or 35 MB, any longer and the app may not allow you to upload the video…think of the video has a brief trailer not the entire movie.


I accepted an invitation from another user and now the request is gone from my “Inbox”?

Once you accept an invitation from another user, the request will disappear. This is our way of helping you keep your “Inbox” clean.


How do I “Block” another user from contacting me?

Go to the “Contacts” tab, identify the user you want to block, using your finger slide their name left, and then click on “Block.”


How do I “Unblock” another user?

Go to the “Contacts” tab, identify the user you want to unblock, using your finger, slide their name left, and then click on “UnBlock.” If you have a lot of “Blocked” contacts, simply click on “Block List” in the upper right hand corner, identify the user you want to unblock, click on the “X”with a circle. You have now Unblocked a specific user. Click on “Back” to get back to your Contacts list.


If I make my profile “Public” what will other users see?

Other users will be able to see everything EXCEPT your address, phone number and e-mail, these will not be shown. Users will be able to play your video and see your picture.


What happens if I make my profile “Private” what will other users see?

Answer: Other users will not be able to see anything but other users will be able to email you a message.


If I update the information on my Business card, will this automatically update the outstanding cards I have already sent out?

Answer: Updating and saving your business cards (name, address, phone#, email address, title & company) will automatically update your outstanding digital cards…saving you time and money.  If you change your card style or message, your outstanding cards will NOT be automatically updated.


I accidently deleted a card that I purchased, can I get it back?

Answer: We highly suggest you keep all the digital cards you buy from us because once they are deleted, you cannot get them back unless you buy them again…so play it safe don’t delete any of your digital cards.


If you still have a question regarding this website, please let us know. We would love to hear from you.


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